Saturday, April 07, 2007


(Please click on the photo to see more pictures.)

Well, this first post is coming to you from sunny, frigid, Livonia, MI. Jake got to get onto his first airplane, but he never got to take a ride.

After he stayed awake through the security screening process, Jake slept right up until they dimmed the lights to get ready for take-off. He woke up happy, and excited to explore the plane from my lap.

A few seconds later, we heard that the person backing the jetway away from the plane might have hit an engine. About 10 or 15 minutes later, we were de-boarding, meaning, the person DID hit the engine. About 30 minutes after that, Teri joined the mad dash to the ticket counter to try to secure a new flight as ours was officially cancelled.

We are now flying out tomorrow around 7:00 am through Boston.

On the plus side, we forgot the accessories for Jake's nebulizer, so instead of figuring out where we can get them, we got to come home to get them. We also get to unpack an outfit each as we'll be going to church tonight for Easter instead of tomorrow.

Hopefully the next post will come from South Carolina.

On an administrative note, the photos I upload during the trip are going to be scaled down to allow them to upload over a slower connection. When we get home, I'll replace all of them with the full-size versions. This will only impact you if you wanted to buy a print. If you do, wait until I send the all clear meaning the higher res photos are available.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Matt- 18.9 seconds left. This is so exciting...makes your trip delay worth it. Hope they can hold on.
Even Blue fans get excited about this! :)
Anna Meinhardt