Friday, September 12, 2008


(Please click on the photo to see more pictures.)

After losing one of the three trees on the side of our house to a storm, a while back, the city agreed that the other two should be taken down. We got excited in the early spring when they were tagged because we thought they'd be coming down soon. As the summer wore on, we were beginning to think maybe someone thought that the blue spray paint was just a nice decoration.

While working from home yesterday, I heard a bunch of trucks outside the house that turned out to be a tree removal company. I was able to snap a few pictures as they quickly and methodically removed the two large trees. Jo said she got some video of the larger tree coming down, so if I can get Jason to get that up on YouTube, I'll link over to that later. I didn't want to look like too much of a tool, so all of my shots of the action were taken through our dining room window.

Sadly, it looks like we'll now have a very unobstructed view later this year when the movers are busy packing up the Pruss family. Michele is also worried about the lack of shade in our backyard. I'm just happy that I don't have to worry during every gust of wind if another giant branch is going to come crashing down!

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