Monday, January 15, 2007

Happy Monday

(Please click on the picture to see more photos.)

We're kind of going through the post-holiday lull right now. There's not a ton going on, but we're keeping busy.

Jake has his MRI on Wednesday. To prepare for it, he can't eat for a few hours before (only water) and also is supposed to only get half of his regular amount of sleep. I'm thinking that will result in a very upset baby, but we have to follow the rules. Michele will be taking the full day off to be with him after the test, but I thought it might be smarter to let daycare deal with him :) Actually, we like his teachers, so we probably wouldn't want to subject them to that.

Jake has a lot of toys that are pretty cool. We found one, however, that I think every parent with an infant/toddler should get. Jake fell in love with the drum we gave Elle for Christmas, so we went out and got him one as a 9 1/2 month birthday present (good reason for a gift, huh). Not only does Jake like watching the lights, rolling it around, and beating on it, but it doesn't annoy us! The melodies are not harsh, and the lights really are spectacular. If you have access to a Discovery Channel Store, I would highly recommend it, or you can find it here.

Also, we just got back Jake's 9 month professional photographs from JCPenney's. We ended up getting four different poses this time. You can see them here: POSE1, POSE2, POSE3, and POSE4.


Melissa said...

Those are some of the cuteset pictures I've ever seen! I love pose 1. That's the best. You can't tell if he's just really interested, or if he's about the whoop the crap out of it!

Anonymous said...

What a DOLL!!!! Good luck on Wednesday, you know we'll be praying for you.