Before I get into the "meat" of this post, I wanted to talk for a second about subscriptions. What are subscriptions, you might ask, and why should you care?
By subscribing to our blog, you get an easy way of finding out when I've found time to throw up a post without actually having to visit the site.
There are two main ways to subscribe to our blog. On the right-hand side, you'll see a subscribe section that looks like the image below.

The first way to subscribe is to enter your e-mail address and click "E-mail me updates". This will take you to a second screen where you'll have to enter some text to prove that you're a human and not a spam bot. After you enter the text and click the button, they will send you an e-mail. When you get the e-mail click the link to verify that you want to subscribe, and presto, you'll get an e-mail like the one pictured at the top of the post any time we update. It's really very cool. For anyone that already signed up, this should continue to work as before.
The second way to sign up is through something called an RSS feed. This is basically a way that website sends out short blurbs to a reader letting you know that there's something new to read. You can think of this as a headlines option in the news. You see what you want to read and proceed to B7. In the virtual world, you see a new headline and you click to read the whole post. I have setup two easy options, you can click on the Yahoo or Google buttons to add them to the respective readers. I personally use Google Reader to manage my 20+ feeds that I keep track of, and the newest version is really VERY good. You can also click on the RSS logo (orange button with white, curved lines) and try to figure out (or let your browser figure out) how to go from there. For the very few people that subscribed via this method, the address has changed. Please update your readers accordingly.
Now, onto the updates.
So there's not much new to post today. Jake had a follow-up doctor appointment, and besides learning that we want to find a new pediatrician, we also found out that he's over 19 pounds, and his lungs have cleared up. We're going to continue using the nebulizer twice a day for another week just to make sure.
On Friday night our house had an unsuspected visitor. Mother nature decided she wanted to take a peak at our basement and followed the storm water up our drain and fanned out quite a ways. I spent the vast majority of Friday night, and into Saturday morning sucking up all the water with my AWESOME shop vac. If you don't have a shop vac or are unhappy with the one you have, go buy one of these for Christmas. All the Anderson men have one (Jake doesn't yet, but he's not even walking... when he is, it might be a good reason to upgrade!). MPnA also came down Saturday to help clean up, and to hang out. Michele and I bought their old snowblower, so they were kind enough to bring that down as well. To help defer the costs of transportation, I sent my dad back with several sheets of drywall. I think he got the better end of that deal.
Michele left Jake with me on Sunday while she went Christmas shopping with her mom and Lynette. It sounds like they did some pretty good damage. I'll need to get started eventually!
Good luck getting subscribed (if you want to), and if you have any questions, post a comment with your e-mail address, and I'll get back to you.
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