Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Double Time

Sorry, no pictures this time, just a quick post to commemorate today's "big" event. Today, Jake is twice as old as he should be.

If we round off and say he was born 6 1/2 weeks early, then at 13 weeks (which he is today), the math works out. Even his math-minor of a mother concurs!

In other news, you might want to check out the links to the other blogs on the right-hand side of the screen. Brian and Di have a few posts and links to pictures of their new dog, and The Pruss' site was just updated as well with pictures and info.

Tomorrow Jake turns 3 months old, so expect the 3 month pictures shortly. We were also informed that we need to get on the ball with "professional" pictures at this point - thanks Meme. It would have been more helpful if she'd just bought us a new digital camera like this one or this one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dream on Son. I'd love to but remember, I'm retired and living off of a fixed income. Love ya!