Tuesday, June 06, 2006

11 Weeks

(Please click on the photo to see more pictures.)
The end of Jake's 10th week must have been a rough one! He has become a little fussier every day. He's spending more time awake now, and seems to sleep quite a bit lighter. When he's supposed to be awake, he's a very happy baby, but when he should be sleeping, watch out! I think Jo considers his cries to be real at this point, and not just whimpers. Elle might be louder, but she's got a lot bigger lungs!

Last week we found Jake a life preserver and he got to sleep through his first boat ride on Grandma and Grandpa's boat. We're starting to notice a pattern for his firsts!

Other than that, Jake has been getting to see a few more Tiger's games on TV as the majority of our shows are on hiatus for the summer. Of course, there's always Rescue Me, The 4400, and Last Comic Standing to look forward to.

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