Congratulations to Josh (left) and William who were both graduates in the Class of 2006. 2006... that means 10 years have passed since Michele and I accepted our high school diplomas. Time sure flies. Josh had a kicking open house last Saturday, and we'll be heading back up for William's open house on Sunday.
After Josh's party, we met Michele's parents for church at Holy Family. After mass we bumped into an old friend from highschool. Jennifer (formerly Rasmussen) was there with her husband and their adorable toddler daughter. They have another child on the way, and should have a new baby well in time for Christmas. The family seemed to be doing well.
After that, we all met my parents and Alison at Pete and Teri's boat slip and took a ride around Lake Fenton.
Click here to see those pictures and more. Jake had no trouble sleeping through the ride again, but with how much he got passed around at the open house, it really wasn't much of a surprise.
Tonight we went to dinner with the Pruss family. Of course, we had to get back to
East Side Mario's, even without our usual buy-one-get-one-free coupons. Jo and Elle are off for Arizona tomorrow to visit her family. Jason is going to try to remodel their entire house (at least it seems like it) while they are gone.
After sleeping most of the day yesterday (probably still recuperating), Jake had tons of energy and stayed awake most of today. He is really smiling a lot now, and seems to be responding when we do stupid stuff! As soon as I get my hands on a firewire cable, I hope to get a few more short movies up.