Friday, July 02, 2010

June is gone...

Can you believe we've flown through June already?  We had a fun month celebrating Father's Day, the end of school, and most importantly to Jake, Toy Story 3!!!

We all had a great time watching it in 3D.  Jake was very quiet and focussed through the whole thing.  Afterwards, when I asked if he thought it was funny, he said yes, and was able to mention about a million things.  When I asked why I never heard him laugh, he said he wanted to be quiet so he didn't miss anything!  I have a feeling that it can't come to DVD quick enough for him.

Last weekend, Michele took a little weekend adventure to Philadelphia with Jen and Melissa so they could visit Tiff and Francesco.  It sounds like they all had a great time hanging out and got to sneak in a trip to the beach at Cape May before a huge storm blew through.

We started the weekend up in Tawas for Craig's Open House and stayed the night in Meme and Papa's trailer.  Then, Jake got to spend TWO NIGHTS with Grandma and Grandpa.  He had a great time and was, allegedly, very well behaved.

Here are some of the great pictures that we captured from the month.

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