For anyone that doesn't already know, we've had some sad days. Our friend, Jen, lost her husband earlier in the month. Jake spent some time with both Grandma and Grandpa and Meme and Papa while Michele and I were over in Holland. We told Jake that he got to take a trip by himself like Mommy and Daddy have done before. Michele spent most of the week with Jen, while I made it over the night before and then stayed through the funeral. While it's hard to find anything good in something like that, it was a beautiful service. The priest that married them officiated, so he was able to get quite personal, which I think helped. Our thoughts and prayers are constantly with Jen, hoping that she can move on from this. She is, afterall, not only a friend, but one of the biggest readers of this blog! You can view the site that they put together for Bret here. There's even a nice video that they put together that played during visitation. He will be missed!
Aside from that, we had a few spring-like days that found Jake excited to play outside without being all bundled up. Pete and Teri are down in Florida for a vacation and getting even more spring weather than we had here. Based on Facebook pictures and postings, it seems like almost everyone we know has been to Florida recently. While they are down there, we are watching Chelsea the kitty cat for them. Jake is having a blast. Even if she's bad and hissing he gets to tell her "No, no Chelsea. That's not nice." He gets a kick out of that for some reason.
Then, to end the month with a bang, Jake came down with the flu. Luckily he was only sick to his stomach for about 12 hours, but they were rough. He's old enough where he can tell us he's about to be sick, but not old enough to hold it to get anywhere convenient. Luckily, he has no problem using a bucket for his business. Michele stayed home one day with him after having to get up a few times during the night. Since a queen-sized bed is no room for two adults AND a toddler, I got to sleep throught he night downstairs while Jake and Mommy slept in our bed.
You can find our photos from the month here. Michele has been going crazy with the video feature on the camera, and one day, I'll get around to posting some of those as well.