Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Last Post of '08

(Please click on the photo to see more pictures).

2008 sure did seem to fly by, especially the last few weeks. We have quite a few pictures for you to see revolving around Christmas. Jake had an awesome time opening gifts on Christmas Eve, but by the time Christmas Day rolled around, it proved to be a bit too much for him. Add to that a new medication for a cough, and we had a pretty fussy little boy.

Jake was happy that he got the "blue present" that he asked Santa for. He also loves all his new Mickey stuff as well. His Mickey swag now includes stuffed animals, shirts, pajamas, a robe, socks, toys, and underwear! Luckily, my prediction that he would be sick of Mickey before Christmas arrived did NOT come true.

We all enjoyed spending time with both our families for Christmas like we luckily get to do every year. With where Christmas fell, this year, we also got to add in a party for Maiya's second birthday. If you add her mom's birthday coming up the following week, she's probably going to think you get to open presents every week from now on!

We hope that everyone has a safe and happy New Year and we hope to see you back at the Annex in '09!

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