Thursday, October 19, 2006

The Most Postponed Post

(Please click on the photo to see more pictures.)

I started to type this post on Monday, and here we are late Thursday night. This will be short and sweet as we're packing for a short trip (more on that when we return).

I celebrated my 28th birthday last week. Michele's parents stuck around for dinner (and delicious 4 berry pie) on Wednesday of last week after watching Jake for the day. My parents then brought my grandma down and met Mark and Kelly at our house for dinner the following Friday. We ordered PF Changs take-out and it was DELICIOUS. The picture above shows most of the gifts I received. I got a gift card from the Troko's so I'll still have to figure out what to order from Amazon. On Saturday my dad helped me put up a new shed which you can see if you follow the picture link above.

Other than that, Jake is nearly over his cold, as are Michele and I. I'm anxiously awaiting the World Series to see whether the Tigers can cap an awesome season.

Hopefully there will be another post up early next week (Tuesday or Wednesday). See you then.

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